
Thank you for checking out this website. I created it as a way of giving readers an opportunity to look deeper into one’s life, using the many publications that I have used over the years for the MISTER newsletter, to go that extra mental inner distance to make life changes and hopefully to inspire other people to contemplation.

One important thing I have learned in life is the it the ‘broken’ people who make it easier to communicate with about one’s life issues, Just the same as the ‘broken’ person who has written about their difficult life is very helpful for other people. Examples that come to mind are: Louise L. Hay, Robert Bradshaw, Melody Beattie, Lee and Jerry Jampolski and no doubt numerous people.

Best regards from Ron Parnell. 

Latest Reviews

From Boys to Men

By Maggie Dent “For boys, adolescence can be a confusing minefield and parents are often bewildered as to how to best guide their precious sons.

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Generative Fathering

Generative Fathering

By Andrew King, Joseph Fleming, Mohamed Dukuly “Generative Fathering is a guide for practitioners to improve their engagement and work with fathers in community services, social

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Growing Great Boys

Growing Great Boys

By Ian Grant “In Growing Great Boys, parenting guru Ian Grant shows how to work with the essential character of boys, using understanding and emotional support

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Caregiver Therapy

Caregiver Therapy

by Julie Interrante “Whether you give care to others caregiving can be rewarding and life-affirming. It can be also be draining and exhausting, especially if

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Little Book of Optimism

Little Book of Optimism

by Dalai Lama “Presenting a collection of amazing little books that are really big on the inside. Overflowing with deep and meaningful quotations, which are

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Fire in the Belly

by Sam Keen What does it really mean to be a man?  “Fire in the Belly” answers that question by daringly confronting outdated models of

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